Everyone knows life gets in the way of the things we want to do. I want to be able to go shopping for needs every few days but ultimately life gets in the way and I can't go get what I need for my home. Usually it's my son (Goddess bless his adorable little heart). It's frustrating to have to carry him to the car, put him in a seat he dislikes, buckle the thousands of buckles carseats continuously come out with, then have to undo it all once I get to a store where I only need one thing, then have to do it all again to go to another store for two things and go through it all again.
But that's the life of a stay at home mom. How about those who have to go to work for a living? Sometimes life there gets in the way of regular blogging posts. And when bloggers don't post for a while, their followers start asking questions. If there's still no posts...say for a week or two, it can start a riot from impatient people.
People. Bloggers have lives too. Just because you have a few minutes to read a post that can take 5 minutes to read, it can take days to just get it on the board. Not necessarily because of the hectic lives of bloggers, but because topics can take days just to get sorted out. I have numerous blogs that aren't posted yet because I don't have the information or the pictures up to post it.
For example, I have to go to Kingston Ontario on Thursday. Having maybe four posts on the go I won't be able to finish them until after (and even then I might not get them up for a while). And god forbid any of my readers who might get impatient from lack of posts discover in July I haven't posted for almost a month...whoa! I'll be busy living and taking a break with my family on our first MAJOR family vacation.
If readers can't understand that bloggers have lives OUTSIDE blogging, then they need to sit back and take stock as to WHY they are so hostile towards bloggers who neglect their blog for a few days. The problem doesn't lie in the blogger's lack of posts, but in the impatient reader.
I'm not saying MY readers are the impatient ones...but some bloggers have had to make a point now and then of explaining an absence. I'm almost positive (considering the amount of bloggers who are out there) there have been some hostile readers and comments made now and then. I just want to make it known that we do have lives, and at times it WILL get in the way.
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