Prayer is really mostly reserved for the religious and highly deity-spiritual. Not all Pagans believe in the concept of a deity. Depending on which definition you use, systems like Buddhism, who focus on personal enlightenment, not the search for a deity are atheistic in nature, yet are still considered "Pagan".
But this topic wants to talk about the power of prayer and reciprocity. I have had my fair share of prayers in my life, both to the Christian God and his intercessors, as well as to other deities I have honored, including Hecate. Have I received a response from all of them? No. In fact, the only one I can remember ever receiving a response from IS Hecate. Of course, that was during a time when I was highly stressed, very upset and essentially needing a kick in the rear.
I prayed and prayed as to why this was happening and she basically said because I'm an idiot. I have the power to change my situation and I don't. Have I ever told you Hecate can be a harsh teacher?? lol.
When you pray, one shouldn't pray for petty, stupid things like a car or to win the lottery. One should pray to give thanks and ask for things like emotional abundance, protection of friends and family, and support for loved ones enduring harsh times. I go to my Goddess when I am at my emotional weakest and she builds me back up by making me face all those things I'd rather keep buried and ignore. Not every prayer session ends with a response from her, of course. Sometimes I'm essentially just talking to myself.
But I'm also not the type to go to Hecate when I'm at my emotional lowest. I go to her sometimes just to say hi. Just to discuss my day, my hopes for the future, my fears I may have, any worries and stresses I have lingering. Sometimes it's just nice to have someone to talk to, even it if it's just Hecate. It's almost becoming a nightly routine (or at least I'm trying to make it one). Before I go to sleep...during that time when my mind is at its most active is when I try to talk to Hecate. Not only does this give me quality time with my deity, it also focuses my mind so I can go to sleep.
My husband has kind of a similar routine before HE goes to sleep. He's Catholic, and was brought up to say prayers before bed. He has set prayers he says, usually Hail Mary, Our Father, Glory Be, and all that. Me, I just say what's on my mind. I've never really been comfortable with pre-written prayers. They almost seem hollow to me. Just saying words that sound right, without any real meaning behind them. Besides I know Hecate doesn't like repetition, so for me to repeat the same things over and over again might make her a little upset lol.
What do I get out of prayer, well, nothing major. Spiritual satisfaction I suppose. That teeny boost of adrenaline that I've done something right. I've given thanks for whomever is responsible for our world and the universe it sits in and the fact that I was chosen to live here. But I really don't pray for reciprocity. To me that sounds like I only pray to get something out of it. Sure now and then I pray for answers, but the purpose of MY praying is not to get something in return.
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