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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Day 7 - Patronage and Deeper Relationships

I've never been one to use the term "Patron" (or "Matron") when discussing the main focus of my deity worship. For some reason it just didn't sound right. Most people will call the deity they focus more on the Patron or Matron deity, depending on the gender.

While I acknowledge the concept of other deities existing in the universe, I don't particularly prescribe to the idea of having a patron or matron deity. Regardless, my relationship with who I honor is deep enough in its context.

When someone discusses Patronage in a deity context, they're discussing the focus of who they worship. While they may honor a specific pantheon of deities, such as Greek or Egyptian, their patron would be who they place more focus on. So, say someone worships the Greek pantheon, but places more focus on say, Zeus...he would be their Patron God. If someone worships the Greek pantheon and focuses on say, Artemis...she would be their Matron Goddess. These Pa/Matron deities are the ones they pray to far more than any other deity, but will still pray or honor the rest of the pantheon at other times.

Personally I don't have a particular pantheon I honor at any specific time...just the one Goddess (though I have interest in the Greek pantheon). I don't subscribe to any sort of Patronage.

That's not to say that having patron or matron deities is a bad thing. Lots of people have patron deities and that's perfectly fine.

As for my own deep relationship with my deity, it's formed over years. As I've said in a previous post, she's certainly not so shy as to kick me in the arse when I've done something stupid. She tells me things like they are and is in no way the type to sugar coat anything. I don't think one can get any deeper than that. I don't even think I'm that close with my own family. Some things my Goddess can say to me and I take it as it is unlike if I were to say the same to my husband or him to me. I tend to take what my Goddess has to say more in an accepting way than if I were to hear the same thing from my husband. If she were to tell me "hey fatty, get off your arse and run the treadmill", chances are I'd get off my arse and hit the treadmill, whereas if hubby were to say the same, I'd slug him lol.

But I don't think that's the nature of why this topic is discussing a deeper relationship. I have a rather loose relationship with my Goddess. I see so many people who are so uppity with their deities, ensuring their rituals are just right, the wording of their prayers are perfect, etc. I don't worry about things like that. Of COURSE I'm respectful to my Goddess (remember? She's the one who has no problem literally kicking me in my arse??) I approach her in a respectful manner, especially in ritual, but when I just need an ear and no one else is around...I simply say what's on my mind...politically correct or not. Sometimes I receive that reply I'm waiting for, sometimes I know she's just rolled her eyes and moved on.

Being comfortable with your deity is important. You must maintain respect, be truthful to yourself and to them (hence my loose nature with her), but don't be so stiff as to not have fun when you can.

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