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Sunday, February 12, 2017

Animal Sacrifice: Yea or Nay

There's a great bit of drama happening on Facebook about animal sacrifice. ('scuse me, I love me a bit of drama...I just don't start it).

Someone comes into a group and starts ranting and raving about how they're "Totally against animal sacrifice". That it's "selfish" to "kill an animal...to get a job, good luck, love", etc.

I popped in and said that research is necessary before voicing an opinion on something to truly understand the concept behind animal sacrifice (as it is to understand anything). Hhhooo...did it get heated quickly. Someone else pops in and gets all fired up, and asks "Why do people feel the need to insist upon 'fact checking'?".

Well, because usually when people come in with an ignorant comment like "it's selfish to kill an animal to get..." this, that or another thing, they don't usually understand what they're against.

USUALLY...they see what's on the surface and run with it. I don't take anything based on what I see on the surface. Paganism has taught me this. Everything is like an iceberg. You may see the tip on the surface, but beneath that you don't realize there is a monstrous chunk of ice. I tell people they need to research because there's a HUGE chance they never did and are going off third hand biased information that tells them that sacrifices are a waste of an animal by way of disrespectful and terrifying deaths.

I grew up with hunting as being something normal. There are a LOT of people out there who believe hunting to be an inhumane, immoral act that should be outright banned (and everyone should be eating flowers and singing "Get Together" (below) holding hands and swaying, wearing flower crowns under a bright rainbow).

I understand hunting and what hunters do. Because I do, I don't make the snap judgement about it. I also don't make snap judgements about people who make animal sacrifices. I don't assume people who do this simply slit the throat of an animal and throw it on the ground to decay and rot. My assumption is (and I hope it's a correct one (if not, then I'm really not one to judge)) that the animal gets used afterwards for a practical purpose. If not, I hope it's disposed of in a more respectful manner than many a horror movie would show.

MY stance? It's ok to be against something. It is. You are PERFECTLY welcome to be "totally against animal sacrifice". It's ok to be against hunting, it's ok to be against meat eating...hell it's ok to be against gun ownership!! What's NOT ok is to dictate to others that, because you dislike or disagree with something, then everyone MUST abide by your dislike. You are free to have an opinion, but don't push that opinion on others as though it were a fact.

...I mean...people are so dead against killing of animals (even in a legit way), but no one advocates for plants. Plants are living beings too...why are there no protests for plant rights or people throwing paint on someone eating a salad??

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