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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A Lesson in Modern Witchcraft - What IS a Witch?

What is a Witch?

This may seem like a rather easy question, right? What is a Witch? A Witch is a person who practices Witchcraft. Simple enough, right? Well, maybe not. There is more to it than that.

Popular belief and myth states that Witches are supernatural creatures, who fly, use mystical powers, worship the Devil and are evil. Contrary to that popular belief, Witches are as human as anyone who is not a Witch, and we do not believe in the Devil (it's pretty hard to worship something you don't believe in). There are no tell-tale signs that someone is a Witch; no one is born a Witch, no one wears any particular clothing required to be a Witch (such as black goth clothing)...also having a particular "ability" does not mean you are a Witch. A sensitive? Maybe. Witch? No.

The journey to becoming a Witch first takes a simple decision that you want to take your life in a new direction, then it takes a great deal of serious study to actually become a Witch. It's not something you become overnight, or over the course of a weekend. It is, at minimum, a year of studying to learn the bare basics of Witchcraft. In essence, Witchcraft is a life-long learning process. No matter how many years you study and practice, there is ALWAYS something new to learn. There are different traditions in which you can learn about, and perhaps become dedicated to; there is herbalism, learning about various herbs that may grow around your particular area, and learning how to use them in various ways (teas, tinctures, potions, etc); you can also learn about different forms of divination, and find which one works for you. You can train on meditation and find techniques that work for you (as one form of meditation may work for some, but not necessarily for you). There is always something new to learn. Don't be fooled into thinking that because you've been a practicing Witch for 20 some-odd years, means you know everything there is to know about Witchcraft, because someone with 10 years experience could know something you don't. Being a Witch is not a contest in experience and practice. It's not a race to who knows more!

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