I just love how people thrive on their own ignorance on subjects they choose not to research properly. Thriving upon their own misconceptions about practices they don't practice; living on their high horse, meanwhile living a hypocritical life. (Note: I have nothing against the Christian religion, but have much issue with the followers who wish to cherry pick at their own religion, then condemn others for following something completely different).
Here is but one prime example:
A profile of hers states she's interested in Tarot, Astrology, Numerology and some Palmistry, yet heavily frowns upon Witchcraft. She claims she's a Roman Catholic, but as I see it, as a Christian, should she not practice anything that the bible forbids, which includes Divinitory practices??? I quote from the bible itself (one I have quoted here before)
"There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, one who uses divination, one who practices witchcraft, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who casts a spell, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. "For whoever does these things is detestable to the LORD; and because of these detestable things the LORD your God will drive them out before you." -- Deuteronomy 10-12
I think this is a touch hypocritical of her to look down her pointed nose at something yet see nothing wrong with practicing something else that the bible condemns RIGHT NEXT to Witchcraft.
This post, however is going to address some issues she seems to have about this craft and I will clear her of the misconceptions whether she likes it or not!!
Quotes from her "blog":
"Witchcraft or the practice of magic, is the control of supernatural forces in order to bring desired things or events into ones life."-As someone who claims they have experienced "Witchcraft" related things through her life, it's interesting that she knows nothing about what Witchcraft really is. It has absolutely NOTHING to do with anything "supernatural" as everything a Witch works with is completely within the realm of the natural. Show me one thing that is even remotely out of the natural. Candles? nope, made by human hands with materials found on earth; Herbs? nope, grown by the earth herself; Intent? Nope, part of human nature, perfectly within the norms of the human as everything everyone does is done with intent. Still waiting for this "supernatural force" she speaks of.
"How is a practice that is based on personal gain be morally correct?"-Excuse me, but don't Christians on a regular basis beg their God for personal gain? Hypocrit much??
"Witches say that magic is neither good nor bad, it just is. And since the power is there, they just take advantage of it"
-Again, hypocrit much, as most of the time people take advantage of God, using him for their own "personal gain" (ah here we have it again), assuming he will answer their prayers with a definite yes, and claim it Satan when he says no.
"by worshiping something that is static, one cannot grow"By making use of something I don't understand how it is referred to as worshipping. I use my computer on a daily basis...does this mean I worship it? I think not. I use a knife on a daily basis to butter my bread or make a sandwich for my children, does this mean I worship it? Hardly. Magic is a tool. One cannot worship a tool (see the logic behind all this is not at all hard to grasp, but it's interesting how so many choose to ignore what's so simple).
"...but a witch, someone who manipulates these energies to get the things they want"-One does not need to be a Witch to manipulate anything to get what they want. And even so-called enlightened Christians manipulate things (even people) to get what they want.
My dear Gesura, you are not one of clean hands my dear. You are just as bad as us Nasty Witches, so get off your high horse, because the higher you sit, the harder you fall!
Welcome to my blog. Enjoy a warm cup of tea and sit for a spell.
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Sunday, March 7, 2010
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Interesting..as i have encountered and communicated with this very person myself..i thought i was the only one who had noticed.
ReplyDeleteNope, I believe she's uttering total nonsense (just to hear herself talk...or in this case see her words on the screen), as well as a hypocrit, so I make note of it here.