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Friday, May 7, 2010

"Im (insert age under 18 here) and I wanna practice Witchcraft..."

Im so sick of hearing these children asking about Witchcraft (mainly the ones who are in Christian homes trying to rebel against their parents) and asking if it's against God or whatever.

Ok, here it is bluntly...
1) If you have to ask if Witchcraft is against God...
2) If you have the preconceived notion that Witchcraft is like Harry Potter, Charmed, The Craft, OR Sweeps...
3) If you think that Witchcraft is a game, toy, or something used to entertain your friends during a sleepover
4) If you think that Witchcraft is going to turn you into a mermaid, vampire, or werewolf...
5) If you think that Witchcraft is black or white...
6) If you think that Witchcraft is going to gain you a boy/girlfriend...
7) If you think that a curse is going to satisfy your revenge needs...
8) If you think that Witches possess supernatural powers or psychic abilities
9) If you think Witchcraft is the same as Wicca...
10) If you think that you need "things" to practice Witchcraft...
11) If you adamantly think Wicca is hundreds of years old (and cant handle people questioning this idea)...
12) If you think a few rhyming words equals a spell...
13) If you think that Witchcraft doesn't entail any type of work...
14) If you're not willing to do ANY kind of work...


Im so sick of these children coming in believing that Witchcraft is like Sweeps, where they can gather together with their little friends, light a candle and chant a few words expecting that all their desires will be met tomorrow.

Let me tell these children something. Witchcraft IS NOT A TOY/GAME!!! It's hard serious work. It takes STUDY (and we all know children hate to study or do any kind of work).

1 comment:

  1. I get tired of seeing those same questions over and over again on Yahoo Answers and similar sites, too.

    But then I remember when I was around 14, and I knew I could dream true, I knew the magic I sensed running through trees and waters and wind was real, that spiritual presences were not hallucinations. I knew I could find lost objects just by thinking a certain way, or make school bullies go away with just a "Jedi mind trick." ;) It was all a big tangle of guesses and intuitions and half-memories of past lives, and no one I could turn to who wouldn't tell me I was crazy or going to hell. At least the kids these days have the internet. They can discover they are not the only one who thinks and feels these things, they don't have to start from scratch trying to reinvent the wheel because the closest metaphysical bookstore is an hour's bus ride away. They can find a blog like yours and begin to learn that there are intact (and rewoven) traditions, there is an understanding of the Goddess and Her presence in the world, there is a way of seeing and understanding that makes sense, yet without losing any of the mystery and wonder. Keep up the good work speaking truth for these young ones, so they don't get broken feeling they are lost in an unsympathetic universe, or get hooked in by some guru who will give them pat and easy answers.

    Many Blessings...
