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Friday, May 14, 2010

Interesting Research Discoveries

I am currently enrolled in the free Wiccan course at MagickaSchool.com. I like this school's lesson format as it makes the student do a lot more than read a passage then take a test. It encourages the students to engage in research of various topics, and one of them was to research deities. So (naturally) I chose Hecate as She is my matron (or Patron, not sure which, I'm bad with terms sometimes, lol) Goddess. I discovered some very interesting things about her.

I would first like to give credit where credit is due. I only looked at two sites, but found a wealth of information on these two sites, I didn't go any further. The first site I went to was Theoi Greek Mythology. I encountered this site before while trying to learn more about Hecate, but I didn't go too far indepth at that time. Im glad this research project gave me the opportunity to look further.

The second site (I have linked here already) was Hecate's Cauldron. Not only does this site provide information on the Goddess herself, but also provides information for one to practice and honor the Goddess. A great site; one I frequent often.

Now, I have learned a few things about the Goddess. It seems she is more popularly believed to have been born of the Titans Perses and Astera. There are of course other beliefs that she was born of perhaps Zeus and Hera or a daughter of Leto (sister (?) of Astera), but no one is truly sure and I think it will always remain in speculation as to who her parents were.

She is most popularly recognized for her assistance to Demeter in the rescue of her daughter Persephone from Hades, who had kidnapped her, and brought her to the underworld to be his queen. Because of this adventure, Hecate is now seen (by some) as the Goddess of the Underworld. Perhaps because of this myth, is one reason why some other people also believe she was a daughter of Demeter as well.

Not only is she believed (by some) to be the Goddess of the Underworld, she is also the Goddess of the moon, necromancy, magic, Witchcraft, justice; ruler of the Heavens, Earth and Seas, protectress, nurturer, and wise woman. She can be quite generous to those who pay homage to her, but can be quite fearsome to those who would cross her. Her justice against those who do injustice can be quite severe so one should be careful when asking for her assistance in such a way.

It is believed that her name is derivitave of the Egyptian goddess of midwifery Heqit (Heket or Hekat), and is pronounced "e-ca-ta" or "e-co-ta" while the "H" remains silent. (**Something I didn't know).

She is symbolized in the Maiden, Mother and Crone aspects. In the Maiden aspect, she symbolizes new beginnings, the youth that resides in us all, regardless of how old we are. In the Mother aspect she symbolizes nurturing and protection, something any mother does for her child (sometimes in a fierce manner lol). In the Crone aspect she symbolizes wisdom and protection. We should always remember that just because someone is older (or elder as it should be), doesn't mean they are now useless. If many would take the time to listen to the wise words of our elders, perhaps our world wouldn't be in such a sorry state, as it currently is (I digress). She is also symbolic of the darkness that resides in us all. The part of us we refuse to acknowledge. It's out of fear that we avoid this part, because we always equate dark with evil. Because we all possess dark aspects of our psyche, doesn't necessarily mean we are evil. Remember, that dark is simply an absence of light. Light is not good because we can see in it, and dark is not evil because we can't.

In a previous blog entry, I noted that someone claimed the Goddess Hecate was depicted as having three heads. Through my research I learned that Hecate was depicted in imagery (on pots or in paintings) as indeed being a maiden. Wearing a maiden's skirt and wearing hunting boots, as well as holding twin torches. She WAS thought to possess three heads, but that doesn't mean she was deformed in any way or grotesque, as it would seem the author was implying (if not I beg the author to correct me...however I doubt I will receive such a correction).

For those who wish to pay Hecate homage, there are a few dates to keep in mind, that are special for her:
**August 13 - A day she was honored in order to have her fend off fierce storms
**November 16 - Hecate's Supper
**November 30 - Hecate-Trivia
**29th of each month are dedicated to Hecate's Moon.

Thank you very much Theoi Greek Mythology and Hecate's Cauldron for the wealth of information you provided. It is TRULY invaluable.

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