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Thursday, June 10, 2010

An Answer I'm Pretty Proud Of...

A person asked if Witchcraft and Wiccan powers were real, and this was my response:

"Witches and WICCANS do not have powers, per se. There are no fantastic powers that you see on tv like sparkles, lightning or fireballs. A Witches power comes from within (just like everyone else, as everyone posesses this same "power"). Energy is what we manipulate to influence the outcome of some events. People practice it to help the energies go our way. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. It's all dependant upon the individual and how well he/she practices and has studied.

Just because this girls family aren't witches, doesn't mean she wasn't. One's family doesn't have to practice Witchcraft in order for someone to be a Witch. Witchcraft is not inherited nor embedded into one's DNA (in other words, there is no such thing as a blood witch and anyone who tells you there is, is misinformed).

There is a difference though between Wicca and Witchcraft and that is, Wicca is a religion that places SOLE focus on reverence and honor on their deities, and observing their "holy" days (also known as Sabbats). Witchcraft is merely a practice, not a religion. The two may be combined to create a complimentary practice but it is NOT necessary to be one in order to be the other.

As well, magic is neither black nor white, as magic is a neutral force. The intent of the user is what should be more appropriately colored. It would be like color coding a hammer dependant upon how you use it. Black when you break something, white when you build. It sounds silly to color code a hammer, merely because it's a tool."

I like this answer because it describes things a bit better than I normally would answer a question like this. Normally I draw a blank and provide a simplistic answer...I think I did a good job here :)

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