I was corrected once on a post regarding Magic and "level's"...in that low magic (re: Witchcraft) was an earthly practice whereas Cermonial magic was on a higher plane.
Well I just want to update on the individual I was referring to in this post and reiterate that she was indeed putting down witchcraft, in that it was a lowly practice, and I resent that comment.
I quote directly from "LG": "I'd encourage you to study something more rigorous, like Ceremonial magic, over Witchcraft, which is a hodge podge of stuff, a lot of which *is nonsense,* but do as you will." (her full answer can be found here)
Yes, well Witchcraft is about as much nonsense as your beloved Wicca. She may wish to turn her nose up at something that may be beneath her, yet she is a hypocrit in this manner as she is constantly defending her Wicca, which, does indeed hold the reputation of luring many a dramatic-queen teenager with it's glamourizing of magic and spell work (and yes "LG" many Wiccans DO practice spell work and GASP!!! Witchcraft!)
What irritates me is that she thinks she's high and mighty because she practices "ceremonial magic". Pah, it's just another form of Witchcraft, makes use of magic and spell work, albeit perhaps in one form or another, but let's not nit pick and say all magic is different, when it's performed in similar manners. That would be like Christians nit-picking over their denominations being totally different meanwhile making use of similar gestures in their worship of Jesus Christ...OH WAIT!! They DO do that!
In all seriousness, Witchcraft is no more nonsense than ceremonial magic so "LG"...don't go thinking you're better than Witches simply because you're a "ceremonial magician". that's just a fancier title than Witch (even though Witch is a way cooler title than ceremonial magician, but that's just my biased little opinion).
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