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Friday, July 30, 2010

"Underage and Under Mom & Dad's Roof" - Refer-a-post

I stumbled upon an EXCELLENT blog post regarding underage children, their choice to pursue the craft and non-understanding parents.

In summary, it simply states (to those who are under the age of majority and wish to pursue the craft) that while you are living in the home of your parents, you basically have to do what they say. If they don't want you practicing the craft, then that is their decision and you must abide by it, however much it may "suck" that they won't "let you live your life" and "do what you want".

Your parents are legally responsible for you and if you do something as a result of your craft that may be illegal or harmful, your parents are responsible for damage. It has nothing to do with them trying to control your life or tell you what to do (which, as much as you may think it sucks, is their RIGHT to tell you what to do.)

However, just because practice is forbidden in the household, shouldn't mean that study is out of the picture completely. It would be in your best interest to study that which is related to Witchcraft, without sending out red flags to concerned family members. But I won't spoil the blog anymore, I'll let it speak for itself because it does a really good job.

source broomhandle.blogspot.com/2010/07/underage-and-under-moms-dads-roof


  1. Thanks for the blog love, glad you found my post interesting and helpful. I think I'll be adding yours to my blog roll too, eh?


  2. Not a problem, LOVED your post!!
