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Monday, November 22, 2010

Merry Chris..uh-Happy Haun...oh, uh-Merry Yul....AHHH Screw It!!!

Every year it's the same thing. People fighting over the holidays. Is it really that important what this time of year actually is?

It drives me nuts every year, when I go to my forums, I see thread after thread of people complaining that they see a nativity scene somewhere but no Yule Log, or there's too much Christianity in the holiday and not enough Paganism.

Are Pagans really becoming that superficial that they NEED displays to be strewn about the cities and towns just to feel justified and legitimized?

AND....why is it that we only complain during Christmas? I never hear any type of hype during Easter about why there aren't any Pagan themes going around, and that Easter seems to only about the death of Christ. Oh, wait, perhaps because Pagans recognize the Pagan symbology that's right in front of them...like the egg, and the rabbit, and bright pastel colors. Why can't Pagans recognize the EXACT same Pagan themes during Christmas? Are they that blinded by a cross and a nativity scene that they can't identify a Yule Log when they see one? Do they not remember that the CHRISTMAS TREE is a Pagan symbol?

It drives me absolutely IN-SANE how arrogant many Pagans are becoming. Purely Superficial!! That's what it is. It has nothing to do with beliefs, it has everything to do with competition, at least that's the way I see it.

Personally I COULD care less about if they show the Nativity Story on tv or hearing Christian Christmas Carols sung outside or on the radio. I really don't care!! I've heard them all my life so it means absolutely nothing to me. Why are people getting so bent out of shape over it?

I think it's time we grow up because really, I don't see the Jewish people going around all crazy "I don't see a minorah in that window or on the front steps of City Hall! I need to raise a BIG stink over this!" or the Africans "I don't see any representation of Kwanzaa, so I too need to raise a big stink!". Why do we not see this? BECAUSE THEY DON'T CARE!!! And neither do I.

I think it's childish, I think it's stupid, and I'm not going to listen to it anymore. Stay in your tiny homes and decorate it the way you want if you don't like the decorations outside.

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