After a couple of days of calming down, thanks to a troll stirring the hornets nest, I looked back to try to see where everything fell apart.
I discovered it's a problem with labels. It's always a problem with labels, and it seems it's been a problem since before even I started with this path.
The problem is people trying to turn Wicca into whatever they want it to be. They try to add this or that concept to Wicca and claim it's always been part. How can one omit worship of the God as being Wiccan? It makes no sense for someone to be a part of a fertility religion that focuses on duality to focus on ONE deity. How is fertility, duality AND balance achieved through a singular deity?
It's many reasons people left the monotheistic religion of Christianity in the first place. They wanted more from their spirituality because a singular deity creating the entire universe doesn't make sense, especially when the majority of the life on OUR planet require 2 individuals to create life.
Wicca's focus is the relationship between the God and Goddess. A little bedtime story here (it's a little conflated because I had heard this many, many, MANY moons ago, and have also heard variations of it, but you'll get the gist):
First there was nothing, then a brilliant burst of light formed in the empty space. This brilliant light then split into two beings, these beings becoming the God and Goddess. As they grew, they formed a love. They united and the seed was planted in the Goddess. The God, falling weaker and weaker succumbed to his weakness and died. Not long after, the Goddess birthed the God, and the cycle began.
A tiny nutshell story, but it details the importance of BOTH deities in Wicca, as well as why it's a fertility religion. How does this story play out if you only focus on the Goddess? The Sabbats tell the tale of the relationship between the God and Goddess. How does this tale make sense if only the Goddess is in the story?
Wicca is a religion with set structure. Sure it's flexible in many aspects, but there are just as many aspects that are INflexible and cannot change, for if they change, they destroy what Wicca was.
A question that plagues me is, if one wants to focus only on the Goddess, then what, praytell makes them want to be Wiccan?
A person genuinely wanting to be Wiccan would want to focus on the dual nature of the religion. Someone doing proper research from those whose information stems from the originating concept would understand this. People who think they can do whatever they want and call it Wicca have been assimilating really BAD sources.
Once we finally sort out labels and understand what these labels truly mean, will Paganism thrive.
...and on a personal note, it's not sanctimonious nor rude to detail what's wrong with a question and to correct mistakes. A person focusing on this has their priorities out of whack.
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