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Monday, July 6, 2015

The Perpetual Debate on the Definition of "Marriage"

For some reason, my daughter has formed an obsession with going to church. So yesterday we gave in and went to church so she'd leave us alone. During the Homily, the priest veered off topic and noted the recent decision made by the US Supreme Court on "Gay" Marriage, and that in God's eyes, marriage is meant to be between man and woman for the purposes of procreation.

I took issue with this comment. You pretty much diminish the concept of marriage when you reduce it down to nothing more than a vessel for procreation. You don't need to be married to procreate. It's painfully obvious in our society. You don't even need to be a full adult to procreate. Look at all the teenage parents out there!

Marriage is an agreement between two people to remain committed to each other and only each other. When you reduce marriage down to nothing more than a reason to procreate then it loses meaning. You don't need to be married to procreate or have children. Two people get married because they want to be together and want a formal declaration before all their friends and families.

Marriage wasn't invented by Christianity, despite Christianity wanting to claim it is. Marriage existed centuries before Christianity was even a thought. And it was done between varied people, both homo- and heterosexuals.

Marriage is far more than a means of creating children. And to constantly press that this is the only reason for marriage brings its meaning further and further down. Such a so-called "sacred" sacrament in the Christian religion is basically meaningless outside the production of children.

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