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Sunday, August 16, 2015

Day 4 - Birth, Death and Rebirth

I was raised to believe that before birth, the soul sits with the Creator until the right moment when it descends to the baby just before birth. When a baby looks around as though it were looking at a fly or a bird, they are looking at the guides that are watching over him/her and their family.

I remember my oldest son (maybe around the age of 8 or 9) telling me he remembers what he saw as a baby. Everything was a blurry red and blue. I thought that was an interesting note because no one I knew could remember anything about their infancy. My own earliest memories are me as an infant, pulling my way along the floor under our kitchen table, in a yellow one-piece, looking up at my mother who is cooking at our kitchen stove. It's interesting what our earliest memories are.

Anyways, our births are mere transitions to a new reality. We live our lives in this reality until we learn what we are here to learn. Most times we learn the lessons we were intended to learn, other times we're stubborn and refuse to learn these lessons. Other times we miss the lesson altogether. When death descends upon us we go to a place of rest and reflection. Did we learn these lessons; were we stubborn and refused to learn them OR did we miss the lesson altogether? Once we have taken an evaluation of what we learned and what we didn't, we have the option or remaining where we are for a period of time or returning to Earth (or another plane) to either re-learn these lessons or learn new ones.

Death is just another transition. The reason we fear death is because no one knows what will happen. Any descriptions of what happens after death is mere speculation...even mine above. For all reality anyone knows...we just blink out of existence. Its this fear of the unknown that makes death seem so sinister. If we knew for certain what happened after we die...I think people wouldn't take life for granted. We would live our lives to the fullest knowing what was to come after this life.

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