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Saturday, August 15, 2015

Day 3 - Deities

I'm fairly polytheistic. I believe there are multiple deities out there, however, I choose to focus only on ONE deity: My Goddess.

I find it confusing, personally to focus on a whole chorus line of deities (I'm not mocking those who do or putting them down...in fact I think it's awesome they can focus on so many at once). I've grown up with the concept of monotheism and for me to jump right into polytheism is a little difficult. While I acknowledge the possibility that our universe is filled with deities living in other realms and other planes of existence, it's easier for me to just focus on one at a time. I tried to honor two deities at one point: Diana and Osiris (yes, I know they're from two different pantheons)...but my draw moved from them to one singular Goddess whom I now place sole focus.

It was nice to be able, though, to honor a God AND Goddess at the same time, my focus shifted one night when I heard the call from Hecate. I apologized to Diana and Osiris and told them my focus can no longer be on them and the time has come for me to shift into a new direction. Naturally I felt no hard feelings, so I believe everything is copacetic.

At this point in time, however I have yet to find a deity who works in concert with Hecate. She has no formal "lover" or consort within Greek mythology (and I did look). This would make things difficult if I were to re-embrace Wicca into my spirituality, considering Wicca is a fertility religion, and to worship a Goddess who has no consort makes the Wheel of the Year a bit tricky.

Though I suppose I could focus on the agricultural aspects of the Wheel, though Wicca is mainly a fertility religion and the idea is to celebrate the relationship that is between the God and Goddess, not agriculture.

I suppose, though, I could find someone who merely compliments Hecate to work beside her, but no one has drawn me in (except perhaps, maybe Zeus, but that'd almost be too obvious, if not cliche, and I don't want to be obvious and cliche...that's not my style, besides I believe Hera might not like that lol).

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