She's made this graphic before adding the "update" that details she "does not claim to be 100% correct" about the claims she makes, yet seems to want to pass off her information as if it IS 100% correct (basing it on the fact that she MADE the graphic in the first place). When confronted with FACTS that counter what she's posted in her "Paganism 101" graphic, instead of accepting the correction graciously, like your typical fluff, she chooses to delete the comment ('s...I commented maybe 3 times trying to get her to understand).
There's a HUGE difference between trying to pass something off as fact, and passing something as opinion. Sure you can believe what you want, but when you start making graphics to describe an umbrella system, and you use inaccurate descriptions, then there's a problem. Mostly because people coming to your graphic are generally naive in the area and will believe this graphic to be 100% factual. I don't care if you have your own need to put a disclaimer on your graphic stating that this is your OPINION on what Paganism is, not exclude the disclaimer and ignorantly expect people to take it with a grain of salt. Not all novices think logically before accepting information, so the onus is on you, NBP to ensure you make clear that what you post is an OPINION, not fact.
(**of course, the onus is also on the reader to fact-check before accepting, but like I said, not all novices look to logic first).
Here is my "corrected" graphic on "Paganism 101" to counter Nature Bound Pagan's:
![]() |
Graphic appears larger above than if clicked. |
Now, naturally I'm sure there are probably a few errors of my own in this "graphic" that some will disagree with, but I think for the most part it is accurate. Not all Pagans believe the same things, while some may borrow aspects from different systems and incorporate them into their own path. The point of this being, that not all Pagans celebrate nor practice the same way as Wiccans (as the original graphic implies). Surely Odinists and Asatru's can practice, believe and celebrate differently than each other, and from Wicca entirely.
The original can be found here for comparison.
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