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Sunday, September 27, 2009

"Rede"ing Improperly.

There seems to be some confusion as to who follows the "Wiccan Rede". You would think that it wouldn't be so hard as to tell who would believe in this rede considering the name of the religious group is in the title, however there are many who make the mistake of informing others that ALL Witches follow the "Wiccan Rede". This is erroneous information. I do not practice Wicca. I did in the past, but felt it wasn't for me. I now practice my own form of Witchcraft, which I am currently in the developing stages of, and still not quite sure as to what it entails fully, therefore please do not ask me questions at this time. When I discover where my path leads me, I will put up information here about it.

I do not follow the Wiccan Rede. I have encountered too many personal interpretations of what the rede is supposed to mean, or how it's supposed to be followed, that it confused and frustrated me. So I chose to disregard it as an ethical foundation for me. Don't get me wrong, I have ethics and regulations of my own that I stand by, just not the Wiccan Rede.

Now there are numerous Pagan paths out there that involve Witches, not all of them Wiccan. So far I have come across, Norse Witches, Heathen Witches, Eclectic Witches, Italian Witches, Mexican Witches, etc. Do those who follow the Wiccan rede, believe all these (and more) must adhere to their religion's rules and ethics, AS WELL as their traditions beliefs? This shouldn't be so.

I know not all Wiccans believe that all Witches follow the rede, but it would be helpful if those seasoned Wiccans would help to educate their fellow novice Wiccans into understanding that all Witches are not Wiccan. Claiming all Witches adhere to the Wiccan Rede would be like saying that all Witches adhere to the "Nine Noble Virtues" or other ethics not relating to their particular path. It's no better than Christians claiming that all Pagans worship Satan, and we ALL know That's not true!!

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