Lately I've started thinking back on when I started my path (not exactly sure as to when I officially started my path, but I believe it was around 8 or so years ago. I never officially declared my path begun at a specific time or year, I just started one day out of curiosity and kept going). The things I believed have changed a LOT, and I don't even realize it, lol.
When I started, I was young and naive. I was the type who wanted to cast spells all the time, any and every spell I could find. I loaded my computer floppy disks (yes, it was in the era of floppy disks) with spells and copied them into a book and tried to cast them...and wondered why none but maybe one or two out of hundreds worked.
I find myself repeating the words I read back then, to the new young and naive Wiccan/Witch's. Like, for example, "Mundane actions should be done before spell work is cast". When I first read that I thought...yeah right...if I can cast spells, what do I need with mundane. But after the number of years of study, and some practice, I come to realize that it was so totally true. I now find myself doing the mundane to achieve my goals, and when the mundane cannot or does not work, I cast a spell. OR I find myself casting only if the situation warrants it (like an emergency). I also only cast when the desire is extremely strong.
So let this be a lesson to the novices that are out there who think that mundane actions are poppycock when it comes to Witchcraft. Spells are not the end-all, be-all of life and Witchcraft. Spells do not need to be cast ALL the time!!!
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