It's time for us Pagans to step out of the shadows we have been pushed into and make our intentions heard.
For too long I have sat silently by while Pagan after Pagan has whined, complained, bitched about how they or how someone else has been treated by Fundamentalist Christians (note: I KNOW not all Christians are the way I am about to describe them, so please, read the post properly!!). Christians who believe it is their DUTY to tell everyone who is not Christian that they MUST convert now or forever burn in hell.
Atheists have ran back with their tails between their legs after their bilboards were taken down off of busses that stated "There is no god, so enjoy life" or words to that effect. They too need to take a stand. I thought we lived in a country where we had freedom of religion (or lack thereof) in which we were able to openly practice our beliefs. It doesn't seem that way when we all run with our tails between our legs when fundamentalist Christians poke their noses where it doesn't belong and disrupt Pagan/non-Christian events.
STOP whining when people do something you don't like. Don't just sit there and bellyache about something, TAKE ACTION!! I'm lucky enough to live in an area that is pretty accepting of people of other faiths (though there are the odd JW's who do their door to door "preaching", but they usually leave a pamphlet and leave). The moment I discover someone here persecuting a Pagan for their beliefs is the day I make a stand against the injustice towards my fellow Pagan.
I'm a rather outspoken person, and will fight when I feel someone is being treated unfairly. It doesn't matter who is treating the person unfairly, I will make that stand. Those who know me, know this.
I implore you, fellow Pagans stand up against people who don't like you simply because they are afraid of something they know nothing about! Do not be afraid to be yourself! If they don't like your beliefs, that's their problem, DON'T MAKE IT YOURS!!!
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