I haven't written a rant in a while so I thought I'd post one now.
I love answering other people's questions about the path of the Witch. Curiosities, information on books I recommend and don't recommend, making a book of shadows, researching, etc. All this is great stuff I **LOVE** doing and talking about. What irks me are the noobs that come in and ask for spells, when clearly they have no study, no practice, NO IDEA!!
And they don't ask, how to create them, how to do them, how they work...they just ask for the spell itself, like they think they're on Charmed. They say a few incantations, light a candle and poof, their spell is done and what they want is in their hands. Gawh...People...sorry KIDS thinking they can get whatever they want using spells and it happens. THIS ISN"T TV FOLKS!!!
It's interesting though, what happens when you give someone the truth and tell it like it is, and they don't like it. They report you for a violation. Come on people. If you can't take the truth you shouldn't ask the questions.
I am here to give the truth. I'm not going to sugar coat anything. If you don't like it, go cry to mama. Here it is:
Don't ask for spells (to any real reputable Witch) unless they know you personally.
Don't ask for spells if you KNOW they are impossible (such as spells for flight, shapeshifting, or boyfriend luring).
I will not give anonymous users spells (particularly over the internet/email) because I don't know you, I have no idea how much study you have (if any), I will not be responsible for someone's fuck up nor have it on my conscience. If you want some spells, get off your arse and figure them out yourself.
I have worked far too long and too hard on my spells to hand them over to some whiney teeny-bopper because someone stole their ipod or because some guy liked them, but doesn't like them now and wants said guy to like them again. This is bs and NOT what my spells are for. I am not here to cater to the young and stupid! I am not a quick and easy fix for the teenaged angst that tortures teenagers for 10 years. This is life. There are no quick easy fixes!!!
Get this through your thick selfish heads:
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