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Thursday, May 27, 2010

OOps...Outside Voice, Outside Voice...>D (Regarding Karma)

Where did people get this insane idea that Karma was this insane crazy thing we must avoid at all costs cause it'll come back and bite you in the ass when you do something negative [only]???

I'm so sick of people saying "Oh don't do evil magic because karma will come back at you times three". Ok this line is a bunch of bull. For one, Karma is an Eastern concept, and people seem to have twisted it into a cheap guilt trip. People only think of Karma when someone does something wrong but Karma doesn't only affect the negative. It also affects the positive.

From Wikipedia: "Karma is not punishment or retribution but simply an extended expression or consequence of natural acts". So to say that Karma is punishment for what negativity you send out is false, and those Wiccans who stick to "Karma" in the sense that you can't do any evil or negative acts lest Karma bring it back to you times three are not following Karma as it is intended, but following a made up version of an Eastern word. Also, Karma is said to affect one in their reincarnated life, not this one, so to say that Karma will bite you in the behind in this life is an erroneous assumption.

Second, the ancient Witches never heard about karma let alone worried about it when casting [because it's an eastern concept that hadn't made it to america yet]. They did what they did and did it regardless of how "ethical" it was (yes I sound hypocritical because I find love spells to be unethical but that's soooo beside the point). So clearly Karma's introduction into Witchcraft wasn't until fairly recently and to claim all Witches adhere to yet another "rule" is also an error.

Three, the whole "times three" thing is [in a sense] a fabrication. Energy doesn't reflect back to the sender in a preset form. The whole cause and effect thing doeson't include a specified number, so to believe that what you send out comes back exactly three times is naive. If you're going to believe a belief system that contains words from other belief systems, you should do research into those words to understand how to properly follow those guidelines/rules/whatever.

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