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Thursday, July 9, 2015

Alternative Solutions to Blood Bonds

While in the religion of Wicca no such ceremony or ritual exists...however it seems to be a growing trend in novices who seem to want to create some kind of "bond" between friends who all are learning together.

But little do these novices realize that "blood" bonds are not something to be gone into lightly. For one thing, blood based diseases can be transmitted through something like this. While someone might not think they carry a disease simply for lack of symptoms, blood based diseases can thrive in the body with no symptoms appearing until later or terminal stages. Is it really worth it to create a blood-bond with your friend and risk exposing him/her to a potentially deadly disease? Blood diseases don't have to be transmitted through sexual contact. Teens who have had no sexual activity can STILL be exposed to MANY blood born diseases through other means, especially if they frequent nail salons or even the beach. Improperly sterilized utensils can transmit diseases from one person to another; cutting yourself on the beach from a piece of glass or metal can transmit diseases. And once you've been exposed, you can then transmit the disease to your friend during these "blood-bonds". I know, it's more romantic to trust your friends so much that you want to be blood-bound, but is the health risk really worth it??

But aside from any blood based diseases that can come from a blood bond, what about a falling out? Say you and your friends decide that, to prevent any diseases you choose to both place your blood into some sort of container or vial. What happens to that vial afterwards? Who gets to keep it? You? Your friend? What happens when you and your friend stop being friends? What happens if your friend, who keeps the vial of blood, decides he/she wants to seek revenge on you and uses your blood in some sort of revenge ritual or spell? That'd be a bit of a downer on something you once thought was a good idea.

There are LOTS of alternatives to blood-bonds that are just as meaningful and special, and don't require a pin prick or any other highly personal objects.

For example...a knot ceremony. You and your friend obtain some kind of rope or cord, infuse or decorate it in some way so that it represents the two of you both of you tie a knot in the cord on either end, then tie the two ends together signifying the bond. There. No bodily fluids involved, no disease risks.

Other options would be to create an oil and anoint each other in some sort of created ritual. Pick some appropriate herbs and infuse them in an oil, such as olive or almond. Once the oil is ready, conduct your ritual and anoint each other saying appropriate words to indicate you are both bound in some way to each other. There. Again, another bonding moment that involves no disease risk.

If you really think about it, there are all kinds of alternative rituals and ceremonies to create some kind of bond between friends that DON'T involve cutting or pricking yourselves. The solutions are as endless as your imagination. Blood bonds are not the be-all end-all of bonds. Handfastings between a couple who want to be married don't involve blood and there's no more intimate a ceremony than a handfasting.

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