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Friday, July 31, 2015

The Dangers of Witchcraft

Witchcraft can be a dangerous craft to be a part of. But not because of the threat of being possessed by demons or unknowingly being in league with supernatural boogie-men such as "Satan". No, the dangers of being a Witch, even in modern days is the threat of being killed for what you are.

Today Witches are still being killed. Despite the denials of so many out there, Witchcraft is STILL seen as a malevolent act and those who practice it must be killed to relieve the world of our craft.

It's sickening to me, how people are still so ignorant. It doesn't really bother me when fundy Atheists go around calling us delusional, mental cases, etc. They're entitled to their opinion, however blind it is, but it sickens me that people are still so afraid of our craft based on the lies of a religion whose laws dictate that lies are great sins.

Witchcraft is no more harmful than cooking. Sure one might be burned by a candle or cut with a knife, but in all the years I've practiced, not one fearful event has happened to me that would make me determine Witchcraft is evil and should be banned.

I've enjoyed my time as a Witch and wouldn't trade the knowledge and experience I've had for anything in the world (and I have a lot of things I would trade a lot of other things for to have, such as the life of another).

It saddens me how our world has evolved so much in technology, tolerance, and acceptance, that the act and art of Witchcraft are still seen in such a medieval mindset. I pride myself on being logical, while still practicing Witchcraft. I look for logical explanations for the unknown before jumping to the supernatural conclusion. I really wish others would do the same, but then it doesn't help that the majority of murders of "Witches" are done in places where "missionaries" frequent, dictate that a people's beliefs are blasphemy, and that Christianity is the only way, and Witches are evil and of the devil and must be erradicated because the Christian bible says so. Ignorance, misinformation, lies, falsehoods, etc are ALL the reasons Witches are feared and killed today. No one can take 5 minutes to look at the logicality of something...they must run for their religious texts to tell them what to do. If the bible, quran, torah, whatever says to kill someone, even suspected as a witch, then it must be done. How horrible to abide by something so fully that says to kill another just because they do something a BOOK says to. I may as well go out and kill any Carrie White out there because they might be telekinetic. "Carrie" is a book too, but not all books speak the truth.

Let us all be proud of our craft, and take it seriously, as there are many who are being killed for it. Let their deaths not be in vain.

May whatever deities these women believe in, embrace them with open, loving arms

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