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Thursday, August 13, 2015

Day 1 - Why Paganism?

Why Paganism?

Well, why not Paganism? There are so many belief systems in the world...so far Paganism is the only one that makes sense to me. It allows me the freedom to express myself spiritually, and allows me the freedom to make my own choices in regards to belief. Paganism isn't restricted to what a book says; it's not restricted to allowing only those of certain degrees or ordinancy to experience the divine while the rest of us sit in the audience and watch.

Paganism allows one the freedom to express and experience their spirituality the way they want. It's not bound by "you can't do this because it's against the rules". Any rules you find within the Pagan structure are flexible. You are more than welcome to incorporate elements of different systems and create your own, personal Pagan system. The only problem with this kind of ability is ensuring you are not incorporating systems that clash or contradict each other (i.e. Wicca and Christianity). That is perhaps the only flaw within Paganism.

While one can't really tell another what they can and cannot believe, it IS up to that person to be able to coherently describe their system if they want to be understood. One can't say they believe they are a Christian Wiccan because thats what they want to be. It doesn't work that way. One has to be able to fully, and clearly describe their system and be able to practice it without destroying the concepts behind each system they borrow from. You can't say you are a Christian Wiccan if you omit the Goddess and replace her with Mary. That effectively destroys both Wicca AND Christianity in one blow.

Other than the few minute flaws found within Paganism, the system itself is freeing. It doesn't discriminate against another for their gender or sexual preferences; it doesn't determine that only Men can call on the God or females can call on the Goddess; it doesn't dictate that in order to be Pagan you MUST believe in a deity. There are plenty of Pagan systems out there that are atheistic, while remaining spiritual. For instance (and for the sake of the modern definition of "Pagan") Buddhism is an atheistic system, yet a beautiful expression of spirituality. Many people believe it is impossible to be atheist and be spiritual at the same time. I say hogwash. One can seek the enlightenment of Buddhism, follow its philosophies, and participate in its rituals, and still believe deities are non-existent.

Paganism is more than believing in deities. It's about personal experience and personal exploration of ones personal spirituality. It's an individual path, with many accompaniments. While we all may walk similar paths, no one walks the exact same path as you.

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