I started this "challenge", having NO idea how I was going to tackle "Cosmology". Aside from the scientific definition of "Cosmology", I had NO idea where whoever created this was going.
I have no real stance on the beginnings of life or the universe. At least from a spiritual perspective. I acknowledge scientific based theories about how life started. I believe the "Big Bang" theory makes much more sense than "poof" the planets appeared; I believe evolution makes more sense than "poof" we just appeared fully formed, naked in a paradise surrounded by a desert.
I mean, I like the myths and stories that have existed for centuries on how we came to be, but them being mere stories hold no factual value. It makes no factual, logical sense that the earth simply came to be or was the first planet created in the universe simply because "God" said "Let it be". The universe didn't start with the Milky Way.
The Big Bang tells us that for some reason energetic pressure in a single point in the universe exploded, creating concentrated points of energy which became stars. Matter formed; because of gravity, these bits of matter surrounded each other forming planets and other celestial bodies. After these planets formed and cooled, life formed through protein and evolved from crawling creatures to the upright form we take today. This theory makes FAR more sense than all of a sudden God said "Let there be people" and all of a sudden some man is made out of dirt - fully formed and able to walk and talk.
But aside from how we formed as a species and our universe forming, what other forms of "Cosmology" do I believe. Well, using inspiration from other blogs (because I REALLY have NO idea what this is meant to imply) let's see. The afterlife...aside from having no real idea what happens to us when we die, I believe we go to a place of peace and reflection. We live a chaotic life here on earth. If our spirits/souls/whatever ascend to another plane of existence after we die...it makes a little sense that we would want to go someplace peaceful and quiet and relax a bit after such a chaotic life. I know that when I have a chaotic, stressful day, I want to come home and just collapse on the couch and relax, wrapped up in my cozy blanket and veg in front of the tv. But rather than watching tv in our afterlife, we reflect on the lives we just lived and determine if we learned the lessons we were put on the Earth to learn. And if not, there's a chance we would come back and re-learn those lessons, via reincarnation.
Deity aspects of spirituality for me, include the believe in a Goddess. Well, I believe many Gods exist in the universe, but I only choose to honor one...at least at the moment. I've recently understood the tri-fold concept to Hecate and her "maiden, mother, crone" aspect, that had in the past eluded me. It's not necessarily her physical form that takes on this "maiden, mother crone" aspect, but her experience and advice. I may not be an old woman, but I do have wisdom a young person wouldn't have. I'm not a child, but I have carefree whims like a child. And I have the nurturing capability of a mother (as I am one now). So while Hecate may have been depicted as a Maiden in her days, and seen as an old Crone today, she doesn't necessarily have to reflect that in her appearance when one calls upon her. One only need call upon her knowledge in those aspects while maintaining the image one is more used to (in my case, it's a faceless woman in a white cloak and hood amid a dark background).
I really wish this post could have come together more fluidly. It seems to be all over the place, but then so are my thoughts on a regular basis lol.
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