A forum thread was created to advertise a book you would buy to show you how to make your own book of shadows.
Link: Wicca How-To: Book of Shadows
I won't negate one's right to write and sell whatever books they want. Hell if $ilver Ravenwolf or Jack Chick can sell reading material, who am I to judge.
But, really. I find it rather redundant to expect people to pay to read a book on how to make a book of shadows when there are HUNDREDS of sites on the internet FOR FREE that detail exactly how to make one. Hell...I even provide information on how to make your book and what to include and it's all FREE FREE FREE (you're welcome).
I don't understand it. Besides buying it to find out what it actually says (I have other things I could spend my $0.99 on), what could this author possibly have to say about making a book that other's haven't?
She can't be divulging oathbound material on making a book as she would be violating that oath and would be dismissed from whatever tradition she is a part of. Therefore whatever the author is providing in this book is OBVIOUSLY detailing what can be found anywhere on the web.
Here are some examples of FREE tutorials and instructions:
Quick Google search of How to make a Book of Shadows
Quick YouTube search of How to make a Book of Shadows
MY info on making a BoS
What Goes Into a Book of Shadows
All of these sites provide FREE information on making a book...so why would you pay to read what you can learn online? I can probably guarantee this book contains the same info you find in all the links above.
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