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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The Bible: The Original "Book of Shadows"??

I'm in an interesting conversation with a die-hard Christian (same guy I talk about in the "One does not need to drink poison" post) who seems adamant that the Christian bible is the original "True" book of shadows. I find this rather funny considering the Book of Shadows is originally a Wiccan concept (even though the term is not, nor did it have anything to do with with Christianity (period)).

He posts a video saying that his bible is the "True" book of shadows because the "old testament was a shadow which pointed to Christ". That doesn't even make sense, much less say anything REMOTELY close to what a Book of Shadows actually is.

If one understood what this book was, they would know that the book of shadows began as a book in which Gerald Gardner stored information that pertained to his newly forming system. It contained ritual information, information on his Gods, any tenents he came up with or believed had to do with his new forming system (because his new system was heavily influenced by the group and system he was already a part of). Nowhere did it have anything to do with the Christian system. The term didn't even surface until roughly the 1930's and even then it was in reference to ancient Sanskrit documents (last I heard, Sanskrit has nothing to do with Christianity).

I believe this guy is using the term "Book of Shadows" WAY out of context. He may be putting the words together, but it is not in any way reflective of the Wiccan book of shadows.

I make note of this guy because the majority of his videos are trying to discredit the Wiccan religion, boasting it as an evil religion, bent on all the basic Christian nonsense sourced by equally nonsensical biased material written by people who only know of it from other uneducated authors.


Well, he responded to my comments I made on his video. And like all people who can't handle being corrected, he responds with "you fail to see the humor [in this video]". You're right. I do fail to see the humor because I don't particularly see making a parody of a spirituality particularly amusing. I can guarantee that if I were to make a parody video involving the bible, he, along with any other dedicated Christian would fail to see the humor in that as well.

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